Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality
What Sky Tells Us
What Sky Tells Us
When the Sun disappears, the sky presents its inimitably beautiful stars for mankind’s viewing pleasure. Since we rarely ever look up on dark nights, the sky has long ceased to intrigue us with its lights. It is difficult to see a few bright stars, let alone the Milky Way, in a clear sky with no city lights or air pollution. However, those stars that we now neglect had quite a voice in the formation of the history of mankind.
At this point, having a basic understanding of astronomy and mathematics is essential for an astrologist. Because mathematics is the beginning of the road that leads to the universe. Plato, who discovered the harmony of mathematics, had an engraving on the door of the academy he founded that said, “Let no one ignorant of mathematics enter.” In this book, I will try to convey astronomical knowledge to you in a straightforward
manner, without pulling you into convoluted mathematical equations. I also saw fit to include some astronomical knowledge that falls beyond the scope of the link between astrology and astronomy. Because comprehending any celestial body or event is actually a precursory step toward understanding astrological terms. Knowing that the galactic center points to the constellation Sagittarius and that Jupiter moves in its orbit as the Earth’s insurance will not only help astrology students understand Jupiter and Sagittarius and so internalize astrology, but will also present them with a new perspective.
People of the antique era had to listen to the sky and the earth amidst their fight for existence; they observed the Sun’s motions, determined the time, and created civilizations. Throughout history, humans have been influenced by the sky, and in turn, the sky has been influenced by humans. Stories of the earth are, in a sense, stories of the sky. The unity of the earth and the sky is a unity that shapes and steers our lives.
A sky full of stars on a clear night is intriguing not only for an astrologist who makes sense of it, but for every individual. Let’s get to know the sky, which has guided mankind for millions of years, and look up. Let’s try to read the skies with informed eyes from our galaxy, which is but a speck in the vastness of the universe.
Author: Gülden Bulut
She was born in 1977, in İzmir. She graduated from Age University Chemical Engineering. She has completed her postgraduate education on the subject of “Human Studies In Social Sciences”. She received training on Neoclassical Astrology in the Zodiac Astrology Academy. She has completed her basic level education in the Psychological Astrology of London Centre. She has a basic level astrology certificate from the National Council for Geocosmic Research. She is the writer of the books “Mitolojik Astroloji ve Psikoloji” (“Mythological Astrology and Psychology”), “Astrolojik Arketipler”, (“Astrological Archetypes”), “Gökyüzünün Söyledikleri” (“What the Sky Tells”) and “Aşkın Simyası” (“Alchemy of Love”).
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