Non-Fiction, Religion & Spirituality
Astrological Archetypes: With Fairy Tales and Mythological Stories
Astrological Archetypes: With Fairy Tales and Mythological Stories
For the people of the ancient times, the rising and the setting of the Sun, the Moon’s transformation from crescent into full, and the motions of the other planets were more than just visual feasts. The sky was quietly trying to tell them something. They listened to it and discovered the following: Everything which took place on the earth was flowing in harmony with the sky. Whatever was on the ground was also in the sky. (“As above, so below”) The people of the ancient times developed the language of astrology by observing the stars that twinkled in the sky. However, as the people of the modern world, we have cast astrology away amongst the obsolete. Because of the lights of the cities, we can no longer see the lights of the sky, nor can we notice its quiet language. As we assume we have mostly figured nature out and we can rule overit, astrology is now merely a decoration in the newspapers’ fortunetelling sections. It may please you to look at your daily newspaper and read sentences such as “Today is your lucky day, make the best of it,” that correspond to your sign. These result from popular culture. We have internalized the instruction to “use, discard, and think no further on it,” so much. Whereas astrology is far too precious of a knowledge to be popularized.
Now close your eyes! Think about the stories your mother would tell you when you were a child, stroking your hair and starting with, “Once upon a time…” I don’t know which fairy tale character’s story would put you to sleep, but you will find yourself in the stories and fairy tales that I will tell you about. As you begin to map out your inner world, you won’t care about tomorrow. When you turn and face the reality of today, now, and this very moment, you will be more understanding towards yourself and your loved ones. I hope you get to re-encounter yourself once more through realities that feel like fairy tales…
Author: Gülden Bulut
She was born in 1977, in İzmir. She graduated from Age University Chemical Engineering. She has completed her postgraduate education on the subject of “Human Studies In Social Sciences”. She received training on Neoclassical Astrology in the Zodiac Astrology Academy. She has completed her basic level education in the Psychological Astrology of London Centre. She has a basic level astrology certificate from the National Council for Geocosmic Research. She is the writer of the books “Mitolojik Astroloji ve Psikoloji” (“Mythological Astrology and Psychology”), “Astrolojik Arketipler”, (“Astrological Archetypes”), “Gökyüzünün Söyledikleri” (“What the Sky Tells”) and “Aşkın Simyası” (“Alchemy of Love”).
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